Input-output model

In economics, an input-output model is a quantitative economic technique that represents the interdependencies between different branches of national economy or between branches of different, even competing economies. [1] Wassily Leontief (1905-1999) developed this type of analysis and took the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his development of this model. [1] Earlier Francois Quesnay developed a cruder version of this technique called Tableau économique. And, in essence, Léon Walras's work Elements of Pure Economics on general equilibrium theory is both a forerunner and generalization of Leontief's seminal concept. Leontief's main contribution was that he was able to simplify Walras's piece so that it could be implemented empirically.

The International Input-Output Association is dedicated to advancing knowledge in the field of input-output study, which includes "improvements in basic data, theoretical insights and modelling, and applications, both traditional and novel, of input-output techniques."


Understanding the input-output model

An understanding of the economy as consisting of linked sectors goes back to the French economist François Quesnay, but was developed in full generality by Léon Walras in 1874.[2] Leontif's contribution was to state the model in such a way as to make computation feasible. He used a matrix representation of a nation's (or a region's) economy. His model depicts inter-industry relations of an economy. It shows how the output of one industry is an input to each other industry. Leontief put forward the display of this information in the form of a matrix. A given input is typically enumerated in the column of an industry and its outputs are enumerated in its corresponding row. This format, therefore, shows how dependent each industry is on all others in the economy both as customer of their outputs and as supplier of their inputs. Each column of the input-output matrix reports the monetary value of an industry's inputs and each row represents the value of an industry's outputs.


Consider an economy with two goods, A and B. The matrix of coefficients and the final demand is given by

A = \left(\begin{array}{cc} 0.5 & 0.2 \\ 0.4 & 0.1 \end{array}\right) \text{ and } d = \left(\begin{array}{c} 7 \\ 4 \end{array}\right).

Intuitively, this corresponds to finding the amount of output each sector should produce given that we want 7 units of good A and 4 units of good B. Then solving the system of linear equations derived above gives us

x = (I - A)^{-1} d = \left(\begin{array}{c} 19.19 \\ 12.97 \end{array}\right).

For practical purposes it is generally a poor idea to actually compute the inverse matrix, given that some input-output tables are in excess of hundreds of sectors.

Further research

There are many interesting aspects of the Leontief system, and there is an extensive literature. There is the Hawkins-Simon Condition on producibility. There has been interest in disaggregation to clustered inter-industry flows, and the study of constellations of industries. A great deal of empirical work has been done to identify coefficients, and data have been published for the national economy as well as for regions. This has been a healthy, exciting area for work by economists because the Leontief system can be extended to a model of general equilibrium; it offers a method of decomposing work done at a macro level.

Introducing transportation

Transportation is implicit in the notion of inter-industry flows. It is explicitly recognized when transportation is identified as an industry – how much is purchased from transportation in order to produce. But this is not very satisfactory because transportation requirements differ, depending on industry locations and capacity constraints on regional production. Also, the receiver of goods generally pays freight cost, and often transportation data are lost because transportation costs are treated as part of the cost of the goods.

Walter Isard and his student, Leon Moses, were quick to see the spatial economy and transportation implications of input-output, and began work in this area in the 1950s developing a concept of interregional input-output. Take a one region versus the world case. We wish to know something about interregional commodity flows, so introduce a column into the table headed “exports” and we introduce an “import” row.

Table: Adding Export And Import Transactions
Economic Activities 1 2 Z Exports Final Demand Total Outputs

A more satisfactory way to proceed would be to tie regions together at the industry level. That is, we could identify both intra-region inter-industry transactions and inter-region inter-industry transactions. The problem here is that the table grows quickly.

Input-output is conceptually simple. Its extension to a model of equilibrium in the national economy is also relatively simple and attractive but requires great skill and high-quality data. One who wishes to do work with input-output systems must deal skillfully with industry classification, data estimation, and inverting very large, ill-conditioned matrices. Moreover, changes in relative prices are not readily handled by this modeling approach alone. Of course, input-output accounts are part and parcel to a more flexible form of modeling, Computable general equilibrium models.

Two additional difficulties are of interest in transportation work. There is the question of substituting one input for another, and there is the question about the stability of coefficients as production increases or decreases. These are intertwined questions. They have to do with the nature of regional production functions.

Measuring input-output tables

The mathematics of input-output economics is straightforward, but the data requirements are enormous because the expenditures and revenues of each branch of economic activity have to be represented. As a result, not all countries collect the required data and data quality varies, even though a set of standards for the data's collection has been set out by the United Nations through its System of National Accounts (SNA) [3]: the replacement for the current 1993 SNA standard is pending.when? Because the data collection and preparation process for the input-output accounts is necessarily labor and computer intensive, input-output tables are often published long after the year in which the data were collected--typically as much as 5-7 years after. Moreover, the economic "snapshot" that the benchmark version of the tables provides of the economy's cross-section is typically taken only once every few years, at best.

However, many developed countries estimate input-output accounts annually and with much greater recency. This is because while most uses of the input-output analysis focus on the matrix set of interindustry exchanges, the actual focus of the analysis from the perspective of most national statistical agencies is the benchmarking of gross domestic product. Input-output tables therefore are an instrumental part of national accounts. As suggested above, the core input-output table reports only intermediate goods and services that are exchanged among industries. But an array of row vectors, typically aligned below this matrix, record non-industrial inputs by industry like payments for labor; indirect business taxes; dividends, interest, and rents; capital consumption allowances (depreciation); other property-type income (like profits); and purchases from foreign suppliers (imports). At a national level, although excluding the imports, when summed this is called "gross product originating" or "gross domestic product by industry." Another array of column vectors is called "final demand" or "gross product product consumed." This displays columns of spending by households, governments, changes in industry stocks, and industries on investment, as well as net exports. (See also Gross domestic product.) In any case, by employing the results of an economic census which asks for the sales, payrolls, and material/equipment/service input of each establishment, statistical agencies back into estimates of industry-level profits and investments using the input-output matrix as a sort of double-accounting framework.

Input-output Analysis Versus Consistency Analysis

Despite the clear ability of the input-output model to depict and analyze the dependence of one industry or sector on another, Leontief and others never managed to introduce the full spectrum of dependency relations in a market economy. In 2003, Mohammad Gani[1], a pupil of Leontief, introduced Consistency Analysis in his book 'Foundations of Economic Science' (ISBN 984320655X), which formally looks exactly like the input-output table but explores the dependency relations in terms of payments and intermediation relations. Consistency analysis explores the consistency of plans of buyers and sellers by decomposing the input-output table into four matrices, each for a different kind of means of payment. It integrates micro and macroeconomics in one model and deals with money in an ideology-free manner. It deals with the flow of funds via the movement of goods.


  1. ^ a b Thijs Ten Raa, Input-output economics: theory and applications: featuring Asian economies, World Scientific, 2009
  2. ^ Elements of pure economics, L. Walras
  3. ^ About SNA, UN


See also

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